Managing an IT project using the agile methodology is pure pleasure for us, thanks to which we provide quality solutions in short iterations and a reasonable budget, thanks to close cooperation with clients, flexibility and continuous improvement of the process.

Are you afraid that running an IT project will be too much for you? You don't have enough competences to control the schedule, budget and teams?

Your agile process

Agile project managemenet

Agile is an iterative, flexible approach to software development that takes into account the fact that requirements evolve during project development. Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet end requirements. Agile Project Management controls software development by delivering work as required in an iterative and incremental manner. User needs evolve, and we must adapt to changes that may occur during the product lifecycle. To create software that meets user needs and business goals, we promote short development cycles that continually improve it.

The Agile Project Management philosophy is derived from the values emphasized in the agile manifesto (Agile Manifesto):

People and interactions beyond processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Cooperation with the client beyond contractual negotiations
Responding to changes< /strong> beyond following a plan

Agile is a framework concept for various methodologies that share the principles and values described above. Each of them has its own areas of application and characteristic features. Organizations often use agile methods such as Kanban or SCRUM to reduce time to market, improve quality and satisfaction. However, it all depends on the project, development team, product life cycle or higher values.

160 projects


15 years


11500 backlogs

in the last 24 months

Ready to deliver your IT project to the highest standards?

Managing software development by a team is one of the key elements of success

Clear expectations

We collect requirements and confirm priorities to achieve project goals

Smooth communication

We use the right tools to make sure everyone is on the same page

Budget control

We adapt requirements to provide the most value for the least

Risk under control

We identify and monitor risks to anticipate uncertainties and minimize their impact on the project

Estimates and progress monitoring

We estimate functionalities and monitor project progress

Continuous improvements

We make sure we know what works and what to avoid

The quality and security of the created software


Agile is often considered the safest and highest quality project management methodology due to several key advantages:

Continuous integration and testing

Agile requires frequent code integration and testing in short cycles. This allows for quick identification and repair of errors, which prevents their accumulation and makes subsequent repairs more difficult. Continuous automated testing ensures that code meets specific requirements and quality standards.

Engage users early and often

Agile assumes regular delivery of working software to users and collecting feedback from them. This allows for early detection of problems and errors and adaptation of the product to the real needs of users. This prevents the creation of software that does not meet user expectations and is useless.

Transparency and progress tracking

The development process at Agile is transparent to all stakeholders. Progress is regularly monitored and documented, making it easier to identify potential problems and risks. Project participants have full insight into the process and can react to changes on an ongoing basis.

Culture of safety and responsibility

Agile promotes a culture of safety and responsibility in the team. Each team member is responsible for the quality and security of their code. Collaborative problem solving and continuous improvement contribute to building secure and error-resistant software.

Timely delivery of software solutions

Timely delivery of software solutions

Fast and predictable delivery time of IT solutions is crucial to the success of any IT project. The Agile methodology offers a number of benefits in this area, providing clients with greater control over the project and shorter implementation time.

Iterative planning

The Agile model divides the project into short, finite iterations, which makes it easier to plan and predict the time it will take to complete the project. Each iteration has clearly defined goals and priorities, allowing you to focus on the most important features. Regular reviews and retrospectives help the team learn from mistakes and improve the planning process.

Continuous delivery

Each development cycle delivers working software, even if it is not yet fully functional. This allows for frequent verification of progress and collection of feedback from users. This allows for quick course correction and adaptation of the product to changing needs.

Constant work pace

Teams Agile work at a constant pace, which promotes predictability and timeliness. Practices such as stand-ups and daily SCRUM help monitor progress and identify potential threats to timeliness. Regular retrospectives allow for continuous process improvement and elimination of obstacles.

Adaptation to change

The Agile model is flexible and allows for adaptation to changing requirements or priorities. Changes can be made on an ongoing basis, without negatively affecting the timely delivery. Short development cycles make it easier to respond to changes in the market or business environment.

Budget management and agile IT project management

Budget-management and agile-IT-project management

Methodologies have revolutionized the way IT projects are managed, offering a number of benefits also in terms of budget management.

Clear and transparent cost estimation

In the Agile model, costs are estimated at the beginning of each sprint, based on planned tasks. The estimation is based on the actual team effort and takes into account potential risks. Clear estimation allows for better budget control and prevents cost overruns.

Deliver prototypes of working software early

The Agile model assumes frequent delivery of working software to the customer (e.g. at the end of each sprint). This allows for quick proof of concept and collection of feedback from users. The feedback is used to improve the software and prevents costly errors in later stages of development.

Constant monitoring of progress

In the Agile model, work progress is monitored on an ongoing basis. Regular team meetings (e.g. daily scrum) allow the identification of potential problems and risks. Quick identification of problems allows you to take corrective actions and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Focus on values

The Agile model focuses on delivering business value and meeting user needs. Prioritization of product features and backlog is based on customer values. This allows you to focus your team's efforts on the most important features and avoid wasting time and resources on low-value features.

Agile process in software development process management

The Agile method operates on short periods of work, called sprints, lasting from 1 to 4 weeks. Below is a sprint sketch presenting the subsequent stages of the development process in this cycle.

In the Agile methodology, the key is to constantly communicate, adapt and deliver valuable programming solutions. This avoids the risk associated with a long-term, expensive creation process and ensures up-to-date verification of assumptions.

Short work cycles allow you to quickly verify whether your development team is heading in the right direction.

Defining requirements

Defining requirements


Currently, involved parties such as customers, end users, management, product managers and others clarify the requirements and goals of the project. They determine what results they want to achieve by using the software and what functions are necessary to achieve these goals.


The Product Owner collects detailed requirements from involved parties using a variety of methods and tools, such as meetings, surveys, workshops or documentation analysis.

Priority management

Together with the Product Owner, the parties involved determine which of the collected requirements are the most important. Together they decide which features are key and should be implemented first.

Sprint planning

Based on the established requirements and priorities, the development team develops a software development plan. They define the next stages of the project, estimate the time needed to complete individual tasks and set deadlines.

Software development

Software implementation


The development team implements software features according to the agreed schedule and specifications. They use a variety of programming languages, tools and technologies to create effective and working software.


The design team is responsible for creating the user interface (UI) and providing the user with a satisfactory experience (UX). They prepare sketches, prototypes and graphical interfaces that are easy to use, intuitive and aesthetically pleasing.


The testing team performs a variety of tests to confirm that the software is bug-free and works as expected. They use different types of tests, such as unit, integration, functional and regression tests.


The development team deploys the software to the production environment. This process may include installing the software on servers, configuring the environment, and making it available to end users.

Key links in efficient IT project management

Project Manager

Project supervisor, budget and deadline manager, bridge between investors and agile teams

Product Owner

Defines backlogs and acceptance criteria as well as non-functional requirements

Scrum Master

Process master, helps in team self-organization, internal trainer

Team leader

Software architect, solution security, responsible for technology selection

Sectors of our solutions


Dedicated solutions

Booking medical visits, documentation flow management, digital records, online and onsite orders.



Digital solutions for the financial industry with an emphasis on security and speed of transactions.


Industry and production

Planning, monitoring and optimization of production and industrial processes in a multidimensional approach.


Transport and logistics

Manage and track sea freight, land and air transport.

The way our development teams work

Learn about the entire cycle of cooperation, software development and implementation.

Our sample projects

Industry and production
Profesjonalna Drukarnia Opakowań

Integrated production software was developed for the Profesjonalna Packaging Printing House, combining ERP, CRM, CMMS, MES, QMS and WMS functions. The system supports production in the spirit of Industry 4.0, automating and optimizing processes, including: through monitoring of machines and finished products, precise cost calculations and advanced production planning.

HoReCa - ordering to your place

The completed project is a comprehensive solution for catering establishments (restaurants, food trucks, bakeries, confectioneries, etc.). The system enables, among others: ordering to the table using QR codes and NFC tags, calling staff, splitting the bill, as well as takeaway and delivery orders. The service is accessed from a web browser, without the need to install the application.

Education and Training

The completed project is a platform for recording and distributing custom audiobooks. The solution offers users a wide range of training content and the ability to purchase it anywhere, anytime. The solution was implemented both as a web service and as mobile applications for all available platforms (Windows Phone, Android, and iOS).


The eService platform was created to optimize the management of free-standing multifunctional devices. The system is used to handle service contracts and also allows you to administer the list of devices under the contract as well as the components included in the items.

They use our solutions

Are you ready to talk about your project?